How to Rub

Stop, look, and rub it’s that simple.

Take a walk down a street in your neighborhood. Look at the designs and textural details on the buildings, sidewalks, park benches, etc. What kinds of surfaces do you see? Are they rough? Are they smooth? Are they decorative or plain? Focus on one or two hard surfaces, and make sure they are 3 dimensional.

Rub your hand over the surface to feel the texture, shape and design. Now you’re ready to experiment and create your own artwork. There is no right or wrong way to rub, like any work of art we all have our own way of expressing ourselves. The most important thing is to have fun. Your creative experienced, and personal connection with a surface is what IRUBNY is all about.

1: With paper in hand, explore the neighborhood looking for interesting textures like the ones on the gallery page.

2: Place your paper on your desired surface and gently rub with your crayon until the image appears.

3: This is the fun part- change colors , turn your paper around and see what happens. There’s no wrong way to rub , just experiment and have fun.

4: The results will be a wonderful image created by you. Now you’re ready to invite your friends and family.